Association Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 10:00 a.m. Next meeting date is  August 24

Minutes were accepted. Available online.

Treasurers report – No change from last month.

Old Business

Township trail – Doug Dressen will mow the trail on Tuesday, July 23. Judy and Lee will assist.   Talk of putting wood chips on the trail for a more permanent fix. Also spray the weeds to get back to the original trail surface.

Public access – State DNR still has a full access planned for Pequaywan Lake. We should push for a carry down access. Send letters in support of a carry down access and handicapped accessible fishing pier, which would limit the exposure to invasive species that a boat launch would present, to DNR and copy Sen. Tom Baak and Commissioner Paul McDonald.

Contact information:

Kent Skaar
MN DNR Parks and Trails
500 Layfayette  Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Senator Tom Bakk
95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg, Room 2221
St. Paul, MN 55155
email form

Commissioner Paul McDonald
St. Louis County Service Center
320 Miners Drive E
Ely, MN 55731

There will be a listening session with Commissioner Paul McDonald at Hugo’s Bar, Wednesday July 24, at 6 pm. Bring your concerns and also get to know your commissioner.

New Business

A motion was approved to once again join Minnesota Lake and River.

Loon report – One baby spotted on Pequaywan Lake. A group of six loons together was observed by some of our lake people. A recent report stated that loons have been dying from the West Nile Virus. If you find any dead loons, contact the DNR.

Lake clarity – Pequaywan – 10’. Little Pequaywan – 17’.

Suggestion – Provide a copy of the lake regulations to all of the new property owners.

The program speakers for the August 24 meeting will be a representative from Coop Light and Power presenting information on stored power, i.e., wind and solar power.

Annual LA picnic will be at the Pequaywan Inn on September 7. The luncheon meal will be similar to last year with two free tickets for each membership and $6.99 for additional tickets.

VRBO – Owners have been willing to make changes and updates to their rental policies to attempt to cut down on disruptions.  Mark plans to set up a meeting with the VRBO owners on August 3, 10 a.m. at the Fire Hall to exchange ideas. A comprehensive plan was discussed which could cover some of the gray areas in renting. St. Louis County is working on rental regulations for the county, including permitting and changes in property tax classifications. 

A citizen pointed out that boats have been brought to Pequaywan Lake from the “outside”. The people who let them onto the lake should be reminded of the AIS danger involved in transferring boats to other lakes.

Pancake breakfast – PLVFD had another great pancake breakfast. The Wood Chix bake sale proceeds were donated to the PLVFD.

Recycling – The subject of having a Pequaywan recycling center was discussed. In the past this was investigated and it was found to be cost prohibitive. Most of the local people use the North Star recycling center. A comment was made that groups of people could combine loads to North Star to cut down on the driving.

North Star recycling is open from 9 a.m. to Noon. Other area drop off locations can be found at

The treat coordinator is Becky Larsen. Contact Becky to volunteer for treats at the next meeting. Treats for this meeting were donated by the Wood Chix left over from the bake sale.

Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m.

Scott Mead, Substitute secretary for the substitute secretary

Association Meeting Minutes

June 22, 2019

Meeting called to order by President Mark Johnson at 10:02. Next Meeting Dates: 7/20/2019 and  8/24/2019.

May minutes were accepted    Available online

Treasurer’s report: Income from dues (to date) $570 and a $10 donation. Expenses $135.45. Cash on hand $17,082.43. We have 71 members to date


Township land   —  500 trees were planted by volunteers. Bench acknowledging land contribution by John Wilson’s parents was placed. John also planted an Ash tree near the bench.  Picnic table to be completed as a Boy Scout Project. IT will be constructed along walking trail  south of original entrance.  Possibly we may get assistance to improve driveway from County.  Steve Nelson from County still working on coming out  to evaluate our eligibility.

Lake access —   No new information on DNR plans. There was a brief discussion on whether we should advocate for a (only) handicapped accessible fishing pier.


There are Loons on both lakes, but no young ones spotted.

Clarity Report — Big Pequaywan  —  8.5 feet.  Little Pequaywan  — 16 feet

Possible future programs for meetings:  Wind power and solar power.  CLP has information on stored power.

Summer Events —   Discussion on a picnic at the Inn similar to last year’s. Volunteers are needed for planning and  crafts and vendors. It was also suggested that the event include a walk on the trail on township land.

Rental Properties —  A task force of property owners who rent their cabins and neighbors is being formed to attempt to facilitate cooperation between the two groups. St. Louis County is looking into what regulations and zoning should be implemented regarding this issue.

4th of July Fireworks —  Discussion on asking folks to be considerate in ending fireworks at an appropriate time in the evening.

Burning Area– A burning area is still needed.  It was suggested that the Lake Association contact the County Commissioner regarding the need.

Hazard Buoys— Paul Klassen requested purchase of light chain and weights to replace the ropes securing the buoys as they come loose. Motion was made and seconded to spend up to $200.

Contact Becky Larson to contribute meeting treats. Meeting adjourned at 10:47

Submitted by Doug Dressen, substituting for Secretary Bonnie Dressen.

Association Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2019

Secretary Report: Minutes from last August’s meeting are available online.

Treasurer:  This year, dues can be paid online at

Last year the Association took in $1,445 in dues and spent $1,894.71, mostly on the Summer Picnic at the Inn ($615). Other expenses include a $300 donation to the Fire Department and $382.69 for buoys, leaving the Association with a balance at the end of 2018 of $16, 637.88.

Old Business

Township Land:   Walking trails have been developed. View map of the trails.  500 trees were ordered and are being planted by volunteers. A covered picnic table will be made by an Eagle Scout as a project. Work  begins in June and will be completed in August. John Wilson is also installing a bench in honor of his father.

New Business

Lake DNR Access:  No plans for development this year.  In early 2020  the DNR will  be reviewing options and a plan may be developed. If cabin owners wish to express their concerns about this and the potential  for the introductions of invasive species, DNR contact is Kent Skaar, MN DNR Parks and Trails, 500 Layfayette Rd, St.Paul, MN  55155.
His email is  Our requested access type should be only “carry in.”

Loon Report: The DNR Loon Watch Survey will not be continued this year. Program objectives will be reevaluated and possibly restarted. Loons have been spotted on both lakes, please don’t get too close and  caution others who may be disturbing loons on our lakes.

Road Clean Up : Thanks to Becky Larsen, Kim Hand, Tim Jungers, Phyllis Mead who have picked up trash along #44 this spring.

Lake Clarity:  Scott Mead reported 8 feet on Big Pequaywan, no report on little lake

Lake Bouys: Thanks to Paul and Lisa Klassen for putting out the buoys on the Big Lake.

Summer Event: Discussion was held whether there should be a summer picnic this summer. No decision was made and discussion will continue at future meetings.

Rental Units : There was much discussion on the concerns of  property owners adjacent to these rentals and problems, especially concerning noise.  Rental property owners present  agreed to formulate more stringent rules for their rentals. A task force of neighbors and rental owners is being formed to try to find solutions to this issue. This is also something that the county is looking at.

You can post a complaint about renters at

Dumpster: There was a discussion as to whether the Association should rent a dumpster again this summer for use by members. So far there is not much interest. The cost of doing this three years ago was $440 with only 13 households using it.

 It was suggested and agreed to rejoin the MN Lakes and Rivers organization this year.

Thanks to Phyllis Mead who provided treats for the meeting. Becky Larsen has agreed to continue as coordinator for treats at Association meetings. Please contact Becky if you are willing to help supply treats.  Future Meetings will be June 22, July 20 and  Aug 24.

Respectfully submitted: Bonnie Dressen, Secretary

Association Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2018

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Bob McDonough, substituting for President Phyllis Mead.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance of July 4, $17,372.88. $350 in expenses for $300 donation to Pequaywan Fire Department and $50 to Ron Sluka for mowing. $160 in income.  Balance then is $17,182.88

Old Business

Summer’s End Gathering will be Saturday, Sept. 1 at the Pequaywan Inn from Noon to 3 p.m.  Association members will receive two tickets per family for free lunch. Cost otherwise will be $6.99. Other activities will include face painting and bubbles for kids and free ice cream bars/sandwiches. Hopefully music and vendors from  the Brimson Farmers Market. At 3 p.m., there will be a Walk in the Wild in the new walking path on the township land.

Bush Burn Pit: We are hoping to be able to return to the gravel pit at the south end of the Big Lake once the area is cleared of road construction vehicles In the meantime, we are talking to the county about other alternative spots.

Joe Miller reported on the DNR proposed public access on the Big Lake. At the current time, there are no plans or funds dedicated for this. Joe suggested that folks write a letter to the DNR, stressing the points that our two lakes are currently free of invasive species and a public access would certainly change that, endangering the purity of our lakes. Our preference is for a walk-in access with canoes or kayaks and a fishing pier for those who do not have boats. In addition, since the Big Lake was a logging area in the late 1800s, there are underwater hazards for unfamiliar boaters. Contact for letters is: Kent Skaar, MN DNR Parks and Trails, 500 Layfayette  Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155.

New  Business:

Lake clarity on the Big Lake was 9.5 feet. No report on the Little Lake.

Loons: Big Lake has 3 baby lakes. One baby loon has been spotted on the Little Lake.

Township Land: Next task force meeting will be Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Gordy Larsen gave a report on the various projects. The walking path is being worked on with rocks and roots removed. Dick Arndt is building benches that will be placed along the path, An interim step to a community building center may be an open air pavilion/picnic area.

Election of officers. Mark Johnson was elected president. Carol Nelson treasurer. Bonnie Dressen secretary, Judith Strom vice president, Phyllis Mead Big Lake representative and Kathy King Little Lake representative.

Special thanks to Phyllis and Jim Guldseth, president and treasurer, respectively, for their many years of service to the Association. Thanks also to Kathy Sluka and Jan Kolehemain who were the two outgoing lake representatives. Motion made and carried to have complimentary dues for Phyllis and Jim in recognition of their service.

There will be no meeting in September due to the Sept. 1 event.

Thanks to Becky Larsen for today’s treats.

Program on aquatic plants by Carol Johnston,

Bonnie Dressen, substitute secretary.