June 22, 2019
Meeting called to order by President Mark Johnson at 10:02. Next Meeting Dates: 7/20/2019 and 8/24/2019.
May minutes were accepted Available online
Treasurer’s report: Income from dues (to date) $570 and a $10 donation. Expenses $135.45. Cash on hand $17,082.43. We have 71 members to date
Township land — 500 trees were planted by volunteers. Bench acknowledging land contribution by John Wilson’s parents was placed. John also planted an Ash tree near the bench. Picnic table to be completed as a Boy Scout Project. IT will be constructed along walking trail south of original entrance. Possibly we may get assistance to improve driveway from County. Steve Nelson from County still working on coming out to evaluate our eligibility.
Lake access — No new information on DNR plans. There was a brief discussion on whether we should advocate for a (only) handicapped accessible fishing pier.
There are Loons on both lakes, but no young ones spotted.
Clarity Report — Big Pequaywan — 8.5 feet. Little Pequaywan — 16 feet
Possible future programs for meetings: Wind power and solar power. CLP has information on stored power.
Summer Events — Discussion on a picnic at the Inn similar to last year’s. Volunteers are needed for planning and crafts and vendors. It was also suggested that the event include a walk on the trail on township land.
Rental Properties — A task force of property owners who rent their cabins and neighbors is being formed to attempt to facilitate cooperation between the two groups. St. Louis County is looking into what regulations and zoning should be implemented regarding this issue.
4th of July Fireworks — Discussion on asking folks to be considerate in ending fireworks at an appropriate time in the evening.
Burning Area– A burning area is still needed. It was suggested that the Lake Association contact the County Commissioner regarding the need.
Hazard Buoys— Paul Klassen requested purchase of light chain and weights to replace the ropes securing the buoys as they come loose. Motion was made and seconded to spend up to $200.
Contact Becky Larson to contribute meeting treats. Meeting adjourned at 10:47
Submitted by Doug Dressen, substituting for Secretary Bonnie Dressen.