Association Meeting Minutes

Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 20 members were present.

Secretary minutes were available for review. Motion was made and seconded to approved July minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jim Gusset left report that was read that the July balance was $18,402.92 There was expenses of $2,190.40 for summer celebration which includes the purchase of a canopy/tent. Today’s balance is $17,139.59 Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report.

Old Business

Summer celebration: Many volunteers contributed to the successful summer skeeter skoot. There were approximately 60 walkers/runners and the Inn served 81 meals.

New Business

Loons: Bonnie Dressen reported that she sighted 4 loons on the Big lake with two babies. 4-5 loons have been sighted on the little lake.

Clarity: Reading for water clarity on the big lake has run between 8 ½ to 9 ½ feet, on the little lake 16 feet.

Brush Day: Brush Day will be held on Saturday September 9th from 9-noon.

Township Matters: The township acreage has been logged by Waste Wood Recyclers. The dying balsam trees had very little value so the result was to simply clear the land of most of the trees. It has been determined that a gates will be installed so vehicles can not enter the property. We would encourage no or other motorized vehicle use as it the near future new seedlings will be planted and such use could damage these new trees.

The township is working with the County to enlarge the area on West Branch Road for turnaround for County snow plowing. The County has plans to resurface County 44 and 256 in 2018.

Letter sent by Association and Town board to owners who rent out property regarding aquatic invasive species

Letters have been mailed to 4 property owners that are known to provide rental property. It encourages them to attend township and/or lake association meeting to discuss their allowing renters to bring in their own boats (thus the possible introduction of AIS into our lake). The township has no legal authority to enforce this but would encourage them to protect our lake and their and our property values.

Motion was made and approved for Bob McDonough to remain I Vice President for the next two years. As there was no nominations for the secretary position held by Marialice, the position is now open. If there is no nominations by the September meeting the result may be that there will no longer recorded minutes of the meetings If you are not sure of being able to each meeting, consider asking someone to take notes for you.

As President Phyllis Mead, and Vice President Judy Strom are considering not running for re-election next year, we would encourage all of the lake association members to consider running for those positions next August. We currently have 114 members.

Discussion was also held about the desire to have a town hall built and members will encourage further talks to see if there could be some interest in this. Also Smoky the Bear sign has been requested by a member to replace the one that was disappeared a number of years ago.

Thanks to Becky Larsen and Mary Ellen Wade for the treats.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:45. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marialice Arndt, Secretary