Saturday May 13, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 10.10 by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 11 members were present.
Secretary minutes were read for approval. Motion made and seconded to approved September minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer Jim Guldseth reported that the September balance was $18,684.56 There has been income of $860.00 There has been expenses of $502.37 Today’s balance is $19,042.19 Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report. Dues are $10 per household.
New Business
Road Pick-up: As walkers have done some of the road pick-up, it is suggested that anyone that wishes to do individual pick-up can do so. Bags of trash can be left at the driveway entrance of the fire hall.
Brush Day: Brush Day will be June 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The brush/branches that will be allowed are to return to the original size, not larger than 8 inches in diameter.
Donation to Minnesota Rivers and Lakes: Motion was made by Scott Mead and seconded by Chuck Kuttle to donation $150 to Minnesota Rivers and lakes, a leader on lake and cabin issues. Motion carried
July 22 Summer Celebration: As an opportunity to utilize some of the money donated to the Lake Association for the benefit of the community, a Summer Celebration is being planned to get together for a good time and to raise awareness of our organization. Motion was made by Dick Arndt and seconded by Diana McDonough to authorize a preliminary expense budget of $2,500. Motion carried. Initial expenses to be covered are t-shirts for 5K run/walk, two canopies, and race and door prizes. Plans are for a 5K run/walk Skeeter Skoot, music by Glen’s Neighbor (local band Blake Shippe),and an ice cream social. Any local talent that wishes to sign/dance/recite are welcome to participate. We encourage members to patronize the Pequaywan Inn for lunch and refreshments as she has graciously provided space/electricity for this event.
Volunteers needed for the Summer Celebration
• 5K timers, parking, registration, water stations
• Planning and supervising children’s activities (Lisa and Paul Classen)
• Race/Door prize administrator
• Tree giveaway (Forester Beth Peterson)
• Ice Cream Social coordinator and volunteers
Craft/Vendor tables are welcome.
Minnesota Lakes and Waters executive director Jeff Forester willl be the speaker at our next meeting, June 10. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marialice Arndt, Secretary