Association Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2018

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Bob McDonough, substituting for President Phyllis Mead.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance of July 4, $17,372.88. $350 in expenses for $300 donation to Pequaywan Fire Department and $50 to Ron Sluka for mowing. $160 in income.  Balance then is $17,182.88

Old Business

Summer’s End Gathering will be Saturday, Sept. 1 at the Pequaywan Inn from Noon to 3 p.m.  Association members will receive two tickets per family for free lunch. Cost otherwise will be $6.99. Other activities will include face painting and bubbles for kids and free ice cream bars/sandwiches. Hopefully music and vendors from  the Brimson Farmers Market. At 3 p.m., there will be a Walk in the Wild in the new walking path on the township land.

Bush Burn Pit: We are hoping to be able to return to the gravel pit at the south end of the Big Lake once the area is cleared of road construction vehicles In the meantime, we are talking to the county about other alternative spots.

Joe Miller reported on the DNR proposed public access on the Big Lake. At the current time, there are no plans or funds dedicated for this. Joe suggested that folks write a letter to the DNR, stressing the points that our two lakes are currently free of invasive species and a public access would certainly change that, endangering the purity of our lakes. Our preference is for a walk-in access with canoes or kayaks and a fishing pier for those who do not have boats. In addition, since the Big Lake was a logging area in the late 1800s, there are underwater hazards for unfamiliar boaters. Contact for letters is: Kent Skaar, MN DNR Parks and Trails, 500 Layfayette  Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155.

New  Business:

Lake clarity on the Big Lake was 9.5 feet. No report on the Little Lake.

Loons: Big Lake has 3 baby lakes. One baby loon has been spotted on the Little Lake.

Township Land: Next task force meeting will be Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Gordy Larsen gave a report on the various projects. The walking path is being worked on with rocks and roots removed. Dick Arndt is building benches that will be placed along the path, An interim step to a community building center may be an open air pavilion/picnic area.

Election of officers. Mark Johnson was elected president. Carol Nelson treasurer. Bonnie Dressen secretary, Judith Strom vice president, Phyllis Mead Big Lake representative and Kathy King Little Lake representative.

Special thanks to Phyllis and Jim Guldseth, president and treasurer, respectively, for their many years of service to the Association. Thanks also to Kathy Sluka and Jan Kolehemain who were the two outgoing lake representatives. Motion made and carried to have complimentary dues for Phyllis and Jim in recognition of their service.

There will be no meeting in September due to the Sept. 1 event.

Thanks to Becky Larsen for today’s treats.

Program on aquatic plants by Carol Johnston,

Bonnie Dressen, substitute secretary.


Association Meeting Minutes

July 14, 2018

Meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Vice President Judy Strom, who was substituting for President Phyllis Mead, with approximately 23 in attendance.

Secretary report has been posted on the website and available at the meeting.  Motion made and seconded to approve minutes.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: As of June 9 , 2018,  the balance was $17,371.82. Income has been $230 in dues.  Expenses of $328.94  for Mn Rivers membership, speakers, and Paul Klassen for buoys.  As of July 14, 2018, the balance is $17,372.88.  Motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

Clarity on Big Lake has been 13, 10 and 11.5 feet.  Little Lake was 17 feet in July.

Motion was made, seconded and motion carried to donate $300 to the Pequaywan Fire Department.

One loon baby has been sighted on the Big Lake and no sighting of baby loons on the Little Lake.

Motion was made, seconded and  carried to reimburse $50 in gas money to Ron Sluka for the moving he does around the township signs. 

At the annual meeting at the next Association’s meeting, Aug. 11, there will be elections for president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The current president and treasurer will not be running for re-election and the secretary’s position is still open from last year’s election. That position would expire next year. The other terms are for two years,

Judy Strom has agreed to continue as a vice president so that there is a current officer on the board. Please consider becoming a board member.  It is unknown what will happen if no one comes forward to help contribute to this valuable community service. Strom will continue to maintain the website and other communications, so that will not be a task asked to be taken on by a new officer.

Township Land Development: In 1964, Al Wilson, a local developer, sold a piece of property to the Pequaywan Lake Association to make the land available to the citizens of Pequaywan. The Pequaywan Lakes Association, which predated the organized township, later transferred the land to the township. This 34-acre plot lies near the corner of Rossini Road and Pequaywan Lake Road. The address is 8914 Pequaywan Lake Road.

Last year the plot was logged with the plan to preserve the standing pines and healthy hardwoods. This year, the township plans to control the new aspen growth with a spray treatment and next year to replant some open areas.

Recognizing the potential for the community to develop this property fitting the original vision of citizen use, a group has formed. Any improvements possible here will only serve to increase the living quality for our residents, year round and seasonal.

The group has met twice to share dreams and check into reality for this spot. This year’s goals are to move the access road, which sits near a curve on Pequaywan Road, to a better location for safety considerations. More tantalizing is the creation of a walking path, to be around a mile in length. The township is funding the culvert, dirt, and log moving necessary for these improvements. Volunteers are ready to pitch in when the initial preparations are done.  

If you are interested and/or have talents to share, please join in the planning and volunteering. The town board meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at the meeting room behind the fire hall.  The planning task force has a tentative meeting set for July 24 at 10 AM at that same location.

Contact people are:

Gordy Larsen, 848-8010
Judith Strom (walking path)

Township Supervisors
Donald Swanstrom, 
Chuck Kuettel,   
Scott Mead,

The preparation work on the trail and the culvert was done as the County has agreed to pave the new driveway if a culvert and the necessary leveling is done when they black top crew is in that area.  Any residents, including those in the unorganized area, are welcome  to join the planning committee. Evening meetings are being considered to make it possible for those not able to attend daytime meetings.

Summer Event: Discussion was held on whether to have a summer event this year. The group felt it should continue and have changed the date to Saturday,  Sept. 1, and the name to Summer’s End Gathering. Arrangements have to be finalized with Nancy Peterson at the Pequaywan Inn to see if this date works for her. Hours would be 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will be advised of the new date to encourage them to come, and local music talent will be asked to perform. Motion was made and seconded that the Lake association would pay for 2 tickets per family with the goal of the price being $6.00 and the Association would provide ice cream. Motion carried.

Thank you to Becky Larsen, and Marilyn Guldseth for the treat today.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50

Submitted by: Marialice Arndt, Substitute Secretary

Association Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2018

Meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. with approximately 23 in attendance.

Secretary report  from the previous meeting is posted on the website.

Treasurer’s report: As of Sept 2, 2017, the balance was $17,197.59. Income has been $925 in dues. Expenses of $750.77  — gas reimbursement to Ron Sluka of $50, Pequaywan Inn $100 for Summer Celebration, Judy Strom $84.69 for website, Paul Klassen of $257.88 for buoys, Strom $90.28 for newsletter, and $167.92 to Meads for supplies.  As of June 9, 2018, the balance is $17,371.18.

Jim Guldseth and Lee Kaplan will check out the possibility of placing these funds in an account that would pay some interest.  Motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report.

There will be no brush days this year as the County will be using the gravel pit for supplies and equipment related to road construction.

Volunteers are needed for Green Team to maintain the township sign and the Pequaywan Lakes sign.  Clean up in the spring and maintenance about once more in the summer. Please contact Phyllis Mead if interested.

Thanks for Paul Klassen for volunteering to place  and remove the buoys in the Big Lake. Ron Sulka has volunteered to do the same in the Little Lake.  If you find a loose buoy,please tie to your dock and it will be retrieved and placed where it should be.  Also thanks to Richard Arndt, Scott Mead and Paul Klassen for this spring’s placement of the buoys  As the amount allowed for new buoys was not all spent it was motioned and seconded for four more buoys to be purchased, three for the Big Lake (as needed and to replace less visible white ones) and one for the Little Lake to mark shallow water areas.

Becky Larsen will coordinate refreshment for the upcoming meetings.  Please contact her if you are willing to donate on a particular date.  Thank you for today’s volunteers Becky Larsen and Kathy Sluka.

There will be elections for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary at the August Lake Association.  The current board has made known that they will not be seeking reelection so please consider becoming a board member.  It is unknown what will happen if no one comes forward to help contribute to this valuable community service. Judy Strom will continue to maintain the website  and other communications for the Association so that will not be a task asked to be taken on be a new member.

The 34 township acres has been logged and plans for the future are being discussed.  With the road construction, it is possible that the county will move the entrance to the land further north from the existing one.  A planning/discussion meeting will be held July 10 at the fire hall. Anyone interested to add their input to this project is welcome.  The meeting will be placed on the website. Initially walking trails will be designed, with thoughts of community gardens, park benches, community center to be designed and grants applied for.  Thoughts are that this would be considered a park for the entire community to enjoy. A proposed name would be Pequaywan Nature Park.

There has been a sighting of a few loons but no babies yet.  Clarity on Big Lake is at 10’ and on the Little Lake 17’.

Whether the summer celebration will be held is still undecided.  The date of July 21st has been set. No volunteers has come forward to plan another 5K but the Association would consider other plans to gather the community together.  Any ideas or to volunteer please contact Phyllis Mead.

Carol Johnson will provide the August program on aquatic life and a speaker is needed for the September meeting.

A motion was made and seconded to send membership fees of $150.00 to MN River and Lakes.

Pequaywan Fire Department Pancake Breakfast will be held July 8th from 8:00 until noon.  Chief Dale Brooks advised that a FEMA Grant of $273,000 was awarded to Pequaywan Fire Department for purchase of a new truck called Rescue 1.  

Meeting adjourned at at 10:40

Submitted by
Marialice Arndt, Temporary Secretary

Association Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2018

Meeting was called to order by president Phyllis Mead. Treasurer was not present. Temporary secretary took notes. Remembrance of long time members Arne Peterson and Cameron Johnson who have passed away.

Officers: Need secretary now and new officers will be elected in August. Mead and Strom have noted they will not run for reelection

Road pickup has been completed by Becky Larsen and Meads

No brush days this summer as the county have revoked our agreement to use Gravel (Wet Lake) Pit for a burning site. It was suggested that Jeff Jackson might have some influence on future use of the pit. The pit will be used as a staging site for materials and equipment needed for the road construction on Hwy 44. DNR should be contacted to be advised about permits for burning.

There will be ongoing water clarity testing on both lakes with the help of Dale Brooks and the Meads. Emily Nelson, of lake county SWCD, will be doing additional sampling monthly on the Big Lake and will report her finding at the July 14th meeting among other topics she will address.

There is a need for volunteers to be “green team” to do spring and fall clean up at the two township signs, one the corner of W. Branch Rd and on Pequaywan Lake Road. This will be discussed again in June when attendance hopefully will be greater.

The public access on Pequayan Lake does not have budget funds for 2018-2019 seasons. It is still a priority for the 2020 year with planning to involve the locals. Our representative, Tom Bach, seems favorable to ideas other than the traditional access so it would be advantageous to call/write to him. A fishing peer, walk in access, canoes and kayaks would allow all to have access to the lake without jeopardizing water quality. Pequaywan has been sited as an outstanding classification. A letter by Mitchell Miller was read that outlined many valid points of why we should continue to be proactive in the planning of the public access.

Meads attended an aquatic invasive summit in February which was sponsored by Mn Lakes and Rivers organization

There was no immediate interest in pursuing possible walleye stocking in the lakes. Perhaps to be discussed after the DNR has established their plan for the public access.

Members are asked to help out with future planning for the Township property. Once a plan has been developed there is a need for volunteers to develop trails, tree planting etc.
This would be the year to consider spraying to curtail poplar trees and to plant in year 2019. Approximate $75 per acre for spraying to contain poplar sapling growth,  which would be at the township expense.

Summer Celebration tentatively scheduled for July 21. Commitments are needed to fill the duties needed to make this happen. A chairperson to pull this together would need to be named very soon. Lita Wallace has volunteers to notify vendors.

New residents are welcome and we would encourage everyone to invite them to become involved with neighborhood activities.

June 9 meeting with have a program by Linda Bergstrom on CRP and medical emergencies. No programs planned yet for Aug and Sept.

A motion was made, amended and seconded to purchase five  new buoys at a cost up to $500 as a test to provide a more visual notice to hazardous rocks, etc., on the Big Lake. Also there will be reflective tape added to existing buoys. Member Paul Klassen and his wife have volunteered to put them out in the spring and take them out in the fall.

Thanks to Becky Larsen for the treats.

Respectively submitted
Substitute Secretary Marialice Arndt