May 12, 2018
Meeting was called to order by president Phyllis Mead. Treasurer was not present. Temporary secretary took notes. Remembrance of long time members Arne Peterson and Cameron Johnson who have passed away.
Officers: Need secretary now and new officers will be elected in August. Mead and Strom have noted they will not run for reelection
Road pickup has been completed by Becky Larsen and Meads
No brush days this summer as the county have revoked our agreement to use Gravel (Wet Lake) Pit for a burning site. It was suggested that Jeff Jackson might have some influence on future use of the pit. The pit will be used as a staging site for materials and equipment needed for the road construction on Hwy 44. DNR should be contacted to be advised about permits for burning.
There will be ongoing water clarity testing on both lakes with the help of Dale Brooks and the Meads. Emily Nelson, of lake county SWCD, will be doing additional sampling monthly on the Big Lake and will report her finding at the July 14th meeting among other topics she will address.
There is a need for volunteers to be “green team” to do spring and fall clean up at the two township signs, one the corner of W. Branch Rd and on Pequaywan Lake Road. This will be discussed again in June when attendance hopefully will be greater.
The public access on Pequayan Lake does not have budget funds for 2018-2019 seasons. It is still a priority for the 2020 year with planning to involve the locals. Our representative, Tom Bach, seems favorable to ideas other than the traditional access so it would be advantageous to call/write to him. A fishing peer, walk in access, canoes and kayaks would allow all to have access to the lake without jeopardizing water quality. Pequaywan has been sited as an outstanding classification. A letter by Mitchell Miller was read that outlined many valid points of why we should continue to be proactive in the planning of the public access.
Meads attended an aquatic invasive summit in February which was sponsored by Mn Lakes and Rivers organization
There was no immediate interest in pursuing possible walleye stocking in the lakes. Perhaps to be discussed after the DNR has established their plan for the public access.
Members are asked to help out with future planning for the Township property. Once a plan has been developed there is a need for volunteers to develop trails, tree planting etc.
This would be the year to consider spraying to curtail poplar trees and to plant in year 2019. Approximate $75 per acre for spraying to contain poplar sapling growth, which would be at the township expense.
Summer Celebration tentatively scheduled for July 21. Commitments are needed to fill the duties needed to make this happen. A chairperson to pull this together would need to be named very soon. Lita Wallace has volunteers to notify vendors.
New residents are welcome and we would encourage everyone to invite them to become involved with neighborhood activities.
June 9 meeting with have a program by Linda Bergstrom on CRP and medical emergencies. No programs planned yet for Aug and Sept.
A motion was made, amended and seconded to purchase five new buoys at a cost up to $500 as a test to provide a more visual notice to hazardous rocks, etc., on the Big Lake. Also there will be reflective tape added to existing buoys. Member Paul Klassen and his wife have volunteered to put them out in the spring and take them out in the fall.
Thanks to Becky Larsen for the treats.
Respectively submitted
Substitute Secretary Marialice Arndt