Association Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2021

The Lake Association had its first meeting in over a year due to the Covid 19 pandemic. President Mark Johnson called the meeting to order. 15 members present.

Secretary’s Report: The Association is still in need to someone to volunteer to be the secretary.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Carol Nelson reported that the bank balance as of Dec. 31, 2020, was $16,971.80. Revenue from dues was down substantially last year due to the Association’s relative inactivity.  The only expenses in 2020 were for the website domain and server ($84.69) and membership in the MN Rivers and Lakes organization ($150)and Paypal fees ($11.80) for online payment of dues.

Mark made a motion to continue the current slate of officers and board members until the 2022 election in August due to the continuing uncertainty of meetings as Covid continues. He also introduced Joe Mlller, who has a cabin on the Big Lake, who has agreed to join the board as vice president. The motion was approved. Joe will be visiting some of our new neighbors on the lake with information about the Association.

Old Business

• Joe reported on his conversations with the DNR regarding a public access on the Big Lake. The good news is that  the DNR has told him that there is no plans in the foreseeable future for development of an access on the BIg Lake.  The DNR rep told him that they are maintaining what accesses they have now and are not building new ramps.

• Discussion was held on the importance of cabin and property owners to not allow guests to put their boats in due to the threat of invasive species. And for those who take their boats in and out of the lakes to make sure their boats are clean of invasive species and spend at least a week out of the water to be sure. Now that the public access is no longer a threat, at least for now, it would be a shame if invasive species got into the lake by us.

• Short-term Rentals. The county has instituted a variety of permit regulations for those who wish to rent their cabins on a short term basis (VRBO). This has reduced, for now, the number of rentals on the two  lakes and in one case resulted in tax classification changing from residential to commercial, a much higher rate.

• The updated area directory is up on the  Association’s website  ( and any changes or additions should be sent via email to

New Business

• CLP has sent customers a letter telling them it is ending its wireless internet service in the area Sept. 1. Those who wish to sign up with Frontier are urged to do so as soon as possible because there could be a limit. You can call the Frontier technician, Mike, at 218-393-3251.

• Boaters were urged to have caution when tanker float planes are landing to pick up water for area forest fires and to be sure to stay out of their way. Also, it was asked that if you have visitors who arrive by float planes, you ask them to have the same caution regarding invasive species and to also be aware that the lakes can be quite busy with boating in the summer.

• Joe will organize a trash pick up along Pequaywan Lake Road for Monday, June 14. (Update: Thanks to Joe and Janelle Miller, Mark and Lin Johnson and Lee Kaplan and Judith Strom for picking up the trash that day.)

• Loon Report. Loons have been seen on both lakes but no report of chicks yet.

• Lake Clarity. Scott Mead reported 9.5 and 10 feet on the Big Lake. Dale Brooks reported 24 feet on the Little Lake, which might be a record. Speculation is that the dry spring has meant less run off into the lake, contributing to the clarity.

Upcoming Activities and Events

• Fire Department Pancake Breakfast is July 4,  8 a.m. to noon.

• Tree disposal on the township land June 19, July 17 and Aug. 21

• The very dry spring was a reminder to all to be careful with fires and to monitor the situation and wildwoods fire danger before doing any burning. You can check the DNR’s website for updates.

Future Meetings

• The next Association meetings are July 10 and Aug. 14. Possible programs include a speak from Wildwoods Wildlife Rehabilitation in Duluth.

• Summer Gathering/Picnic. Mark will check with the Inn about participating in an event there on Aug. 14.

Meeting adjourned