July 12, 2021
CALL TO ORDER Supervisor Gary Mantay called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – all present recited the pledge.

MINUTES APPROVAL Jan makes a motion to approve with two minor corrections., Dick seconds, all in favor, Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye
REVIEW AND APPROVE PAYROLL AND CLAIMS Jan makes a motion to approve, Gary seconds, all in favor, Dick aye, Jan aye, Gary aye.
TRANSFER – Request approval to transfer $4,687.48 from savings to checking for checks 8236 – 8248, 070121, 070221 and 070321. Jan makes motion to approve, Dick seconds, all in favor Jan aye, Dick aye, Gary aye.
- May 2021 tax apportionment from St Louis Count deposit $28,434.96 and will show up in August.
- 2nd Quarter 941 (tax and Medicare) filing done
- 2nd Quarter MN Unemployment filing done
- Ray reported that Jan’s salary came out of Road fund for May but he has corrected.
- MAT – ARP rescue funds
- These funds could be used to pay for the new WiFi and an updated booster for the Town Hall.
- Rory/Jan report that the funds cannot be used for turn out gear as it is required gear and not related to COVID.
- Rory also reports that FEMA grants are limited because of the size of the Township.
- Jan reports that she believes North Star is eligible for ARP funds and the funds could be requested and pay back what isn’t used.
- Jan makes a motion that the Town of North Star apply for the funds, Gary seconds. All in favor, Jan aye, Dick aye, Gary aye.
- Board of Appeal/Equalization training for Board. The training is due by February 2021 and one of the three Supervisors has to be certified.
FIRE DEPARTMENT – Fire Chief Rory reports the Township are in a burning ban, no permits, no fireworks including both ground and ariel. Campfires are permitted in a 3×3 campfire ring. Two of the Fire Department volunteers are starting EMR training on 7/12/2021.
MAINTENANCE – Dick reports that he talked to Tim Walters the new Weed Inspector today and he will be contacting Deb by the end of the month. Gary reports that he spoke to Rod Saline and he would like to remove the unsightly weeds and bushes replace the area by the sign with grass. Dick makes a motion to approve the work Rod wants to do, Jan seconds, all in favor Jan aye, Gary aye, Dick aye.
RECYCLING – Jan reports that everything is going well. Jan reported a record number of clients of 77 on 7/10/2021. Jan reports that the Boy Scout Master said the monies from the North Start can collection has 25 scouts to an all expense paid camp for a week. They appreciate the donation.
ROAD – Gary reports nothing new
- Update from Carrie on Faster Solutions. Carrie reports she is playing phone tag with the contact but will be emailing him.
- April, May 2021, March 2020 minutes, financial reports and July 2021 Meeting date change posting are pending update to the Web.
- Update on August enewsletter. Date for distribution? Target date at or near the next meeting. Post a hard copy at the hall? Give some copies to Bill to put a few on the shelf near the message board
- Update on AT&T WiFi plan and ‘booster’ Ray reported that he did some testing of the current booster and there is only about one bar of service. Wilson Pro 70+ is the strongest one that can be installed by the purchaser. He will change the booster in the Hall and Fire Hall and the antenna outside. The cost would be roughly $1200.00 plus the installation hours. Dick makes a motion to purchase the equipment and pay Ray $20.00 per hour to install it. Jan seconds the motion. Gary asks if we would should apply for the ARPA funding before purchasing, Jan seconds amending the motion to check to see if the ARPA funds are available before purchasing the booster. Dick approves, all in favor. Dick aye, Jan aye, Gary aye. The AT&T plan is WiFi unit at no charge and $80.00 a month for unlimited data but does not include Netflix or Hulu. Jan makes a motion, Dick seconds the motion. All in favor, Dick aye, Gary aye and Jan aye.
- Treasurer update? Jan is going to reach out to a local resident, Elgin Miller, who may be interested. The position will be posted in the August enewsletter.
- 2019 corrected W2’s still pending
- New printer is at the Hall
- – advocacy template filing – Enbridge. Carrie reports the form has been completed.
NEW BUSINESS – Ray asks if the picnic tables are being used, he would take one. And the old camera which is no longer used. Dick makes a motion to have Ray remove the unused tables and camera. Jan second the motion. All in favor, Jan aye, Gary aye, Dick aye.
REVIEW OF DUTIES – Carrie to renew DUNS number to file for ARPA funds. Carrie to check timeline for applying for ARPA funds, Jan going to Elgin Miller about the Treasure position, Ray is going to purchase the Internet booster and Carrie will purchase the AT&T Hotspot.
NEXT MEETING August 16, 2021 at 6:30 pm
ADJOURNMENT – Jan makes a motion to adjourn, Dick seconds the motion, all in favor, Jan aye, Gary aye, Dick aye.
Respectively submitted,
Carrie Landman – Town Clerk