Meeting Minutes

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The meeting was called to order by Phyllis Mead.

Secretary Report was not available because no one has volunteered to fill this much needed position.

Treasurer’s Report: Jim Guldseth reported our balance presently is $17,197.59. Membership count is 116 households. A motion was made by Carol Johnston with a second by Scott Mead followed by an affirmative vote to accept the report.

Old Business

Owners of rental properties responses: Scott Mead related response of Tony Shoberg who indicated no outside boats have been brought in as they have 2 canoes and 2 kayaks. Jim Crace addressed the group, advising that his renters have not been allowed to bring in boats from the outside. A pontoon boat is available for their use. He plans to continue this practice. We have not heard back from Dan Mullins who rents his place on Little Pequaywan,

New Business

Public Access: Nothing new to report on current accesses and conditions. Discussion indicated it is always a possibility but a general feeling that nothing will be done in the near future.

Next Year’s Program Suggestions:
• CPR training-Ray Barnes provided a contact but a return call has not been received.
•bTerrestrial Invasive Species- Concerns of spotted knapweed and tanzy
• Well water concerns-radon, lead, etc
• Aquatic weeds
• Shoreline erosion
• Aquatic vegetation- Carol Johnson advised of it being a part of a diverse ecosystem. A program possibility.

Brush Day: Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Water Clarity Report: Scott Mead stated the big lake has 8 feet currently. Whereas 10 years ago, it varied between 12 and 15 ft. The Little Lake has a history of greater depth and clarity. Temperatures currently are not measured.

Road Pick Up: Volunteers needed for Wednesday, September 6, 2017. Meet at the Fire Station at 9 a.m. for rolls and coffee. East Shore to Rossini pick up has been completed by Becky Larsen. We will finish the pickup route along #44 on Wed..

Loon report: 4 adults and 3 babies on the Big Lake.. Currently making a lot of musical noise.

Discussion was held on whether to hold another Summer Celebration in 2018 similar to the one held in July,

Nice to see so many walkers. Enjoyed the wooded area
Footprint for future plan is in place
Enjoyed the music
Free in addition to prizes
The Pequaywan Inn appreciated serving 81 meals
Worked through the permit process & liability insurance
Vendors were appreciated
Timing of the 3rd weekend in July was excellent
Fire Department and EMT presence a plus
Possibility in future to include involvement of local artists

Planners worked very hard
Volunteers worked very hard and we heartily thank them
Future Events
More pre planning
Need more volunteers if event is to happen

Other Discussions:

• DNR indicated a Smokey the Bear Sign will be posted.
• Road work scheduled between Briar Lake and Rossini Rd in 2018 according to St. Louis County.
• The county moving of roadside grass along #44 may be minimal this year due to concern for bee habitat and survival
• Minnesota concerns over edibility of fish from our lakes
• Boat and dock removal service is available as a school fundraiser for grandson of Mary Pylka. Call 848-2757 to get on the list to have him and his father remove your dock and boat lift.

Motion by Dick Arndt seconded by Scott Mead to donate $300 to the Pequaywan Fire Department.

Thank you to Ron Sluka for mowing. A $50 gas reimbursement will be sent to Ron, Thanks for refreshments by Becky.

Meeting adjourned by President.

Respectfully submitted,
Carole Trotter, substituting for a secretary,

Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 20 members were present.

Secretary minutes were available for review. Motion was made and seconded to approved July minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jim Gusset left report that was read that the July balance was $18,402.92 There was expenses of $2,190.40 for summer celebration which includes the purchase of a canopy/tent. Today’s balance is $17,139.59 Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report.

Old Business
Summer celebration: Many volunteers contributed to the successful summer skeeter skoot. There were approximately 60 walkers/runners and the Inn served 81 meals.

New Business
Loons: Bonnie Dressen reported that she sighted 4 loons on the Big lake with two babies. 4-5 loons have been sighted on the little lake.

Clarity: Reading for water clarity on the big lake has run between 8 ½ to 9 ½ feet, on the little lake 16 feet.

Brush Day: Brush Day will be held on Saturday September 9th from 9-noon.

Township Matters: The township acreage has been logged by Waste Wood Recyclers. The dying balsam trees had very little value so the result was to simply clear the land of most of the trees. It has been determined that a gates will be installed so vehicles can not enter the property. We would encourage no or other motorized vehicle use as it the near future new seedlings will be planted and such use could damage these new trees.

The township is working with the County to enlarge the area on West Branch Road for turnaround for County snow plowing. The County has plans to resurface County 44 and 256 in 2018.

Letter sent by Association and Town board to owners who rent out property regarding aquatic invasive species

Letters have been mailed to 4 property owners that are known to provide rental property. It encourages them to attend township and/or lake association meeting to discuss their allowing renters to bring in their own boats (thus the possible introduction of AIS into our lake). The township has no legal authority to enforce this but would encourage them to protect our lake and their and our property values.

Motion was made and approved for Bob Macedon to remain I Vice President for the next two years. As there was no nominations for the secretary position held by Mari alice, the position is now open. If there is no nominations by the September meeting the result may be that there will no longer recorded minutes of the meetings If you are not sure of being able to each meeting, consider asking someone to take notes for you.

As President Phyllis Mead, and II Vice President Judy St rom are considering not running for re-election next year, we would encourage all of the lake association members to consider running for those positions next August. We currently have 114 members.

Discussion was also held about the desire to have a town hall built and members will encourage further talks to see if there could be some interest in this. Also Smoky the Bear sign has been requested by a member to replace the one that was disappeared a number of years ago.

Thanks to Becky Larsen and Mary Ellen Wade for the treats.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:45. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marialice Arndt, Secretary

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 17 members were present.

Secretary minutes were read for approval. Motion made and seconded to approved June minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jim Guldseth reported that the Association’s balance was $18,947.87. There has been income of $110 in dues and expenses of $654.94 for the tent canopy and insurance for the Summer Celebration, Today’s balance is $18,402.92. Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report. Dues are $10 per household.

New Business
July 22 Summer Celebration: A 5k (3 miles) walk run will start at 10 a.m. Activities behind the Pequaywan inn will begin around noon with music, an ice cream social, ongoing drawings for door prizes and games for kids and adults. The Inn is working on a special menu for that day.

Clarity report: The Big Lake is at 8.5 to 9 feet and the Little Lake at 14 feet.

Loon report: Three loons on the Little Lake and at least one pair with two babies on the Big lake.

Township land: The clearing of dead balsams and other trees have been completed. Large pines and maples were left. It was requested that no motorized vehicles go onto the land as small trees will be planted.

Annual meeting: The next Association meeting on Aug. 12 will be the annual meeting. A director representing the Little Lake and secretary positions will be up for election. Scott Gronseth of Pequaywan Lake First Responders will be presenting the informational program.

Renters: A lake resident expressed concerned about those who are renting their cabins out and allowing renters to launch their boats. These boats could be bringing invasive species into our lakes and endangering the quality of our lakes, which are currently free of such AIS now. Such practices are discouraged or at the very least, rental owners are asked to make sure the rental boats have been out of the water for more than a week and are thoroughly clean. Property values can be substantially lowered if lakes become infested as well as infestations negatively affecting boating, fishing and swimming.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
J .Strom substituting for Marialice Arndt, Secretary

Saturday June 10, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 27 members were present.

Secretary minutes were read for approval. Motion made and seconded to approved May minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jim Guldseth reported that the Association’s balance was $19,042.19 There has been income of $100 in dues and expenses of $194.32, Today’s balance is $19,047.87. Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report. Dues are $10 per household.

New Business
July 22 Summer Celebration: Some of the details being finalized were discussed. A 5k (3 miles) walk run will start at 10 a.m. Activities behind the Pequaywan inn will begin around noon with music, an ice cream social, ongoing drawings for door prizes and games for kids and adults. The Inn is working on a special menu for that day.

Any local talent that wishes to sign/dance/recite are welcome to participate. And craft and vendor tables are welcome. No fees.

Volunteers needed to help out for the various activities. And if anyone has a flatbed trailer could be used for the bank, please let us know. Contact Phyllis Mead or Marialice Arndt.

Program speakers: Ideas are needed for topics and/or speakers for the upcoming Association meetings.

Clarity report: The Big Lake is at 9 feet and the Little Lake at 18 feet.

Program: Jeff Forester from Minnesota Lakes and Waters was the featured speaker. Jeff stressed the importance of protecting the quality of our water. Docks, boats and boat lifts that are moved from lake to lake are major contributors to the spread of invasive species.

Please be mindful of this and do not allow friends or renters to bring in their boats until they have been thoroughly cleaned or out of the water for several weeks. Jeff said that an infection of invasive species can lower property values by up to 30 percent. Since all of the lakes around the Twin Cities are infected, any boats coming from that area are a real risk.Our lakes are currently clean. Let’s keep them that way.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
J .Strom substituting for Marialice Arndt, Secretary

Saturday June 10, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 27 members were present.

Secretary minutes were read for approval. Motion made and seconded to approved May minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jim Guldseth reported that the Association’s balance was $19,042.19 There has been income of $100 in dues and expenses of $194.32, Today’s balance is $19,047.87. Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report. Dues are $10 per household.

New Business

July 22 Summer Celebration: Some of the details being finalized were discussed. A 5k (3 miles) walk run will start at 10 a.m. Activities behind the Pequaywan inn will begin around noon with music, an ice cream social, ongoing drawings for door prizes and games for kids and adults. The Inn is working on a special menu for that day.

Any local talent that wishes to sign/dance/recite are welcome to participate. And craft and vendor tables are welcome. No fees.

Volunteers needed to help out for the various activities. And if anyone has a flatbed trailer could be used for the bank, please let us know. Contact Phyllis Mead or Marialice Arndt.

Program speakers: Ideas are needed for topics and/or speakers for the upcoming Association meetings.

Clarity report: The Big Lake is at 9 feet and the Little Lake at 18 feet.

Program: Jeff Forester from Minnesota Lakes and Waters was the featured speaker. Jeff stressed the importance of protecting the quality of our water. Docks, boats and boat lifts that are moved from lake to lake are major contributors to the spread of invasive species.

Please be mindful of this and do not allow friends or renters to bring in their boats until they have been thoroughly cleaned or out of the water for several weeks. Jeff said that an infection of invasive species can lower property values by up to 30 percent. Since all of the lakes around the Twin Cities are infected, any boats coming from that area are a real risk.Our lakes are currently clean. Let’s keep them that way.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
J .Strom substituting for Marialice Arndt, Secretary

Saturday May 13, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 10.10 by President Phyllis Mead. Approximately 11 members were present.

Secretary minutes were read for approval. Motion made and seconded to approved September minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jim Guldseth reported that the September balance was $18,684.56 There has been income of $860.00 There has been expenses of $502.37 Today’s balance is $19,042.19 Motion was made and seconded to approve treasurer’s report. Dues are $10 per household.

New Business
Road Pick-up: As walkers have done some of the road pick-up, it is suggested that anyone that wishes to do individual pick-up can do so. Bags of trash can be left at the driveway entrance of the fire hall.

Brush Day: Brush Day will be June 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The brush/branches that will be allowed are to return to the original size, not larger than 8 inches in diameter.

Donation to Minnesota Rivers and Lakes: Motion was made by Scott Mead and seconded by Chuck Kuttle to donation $150 to Minnesota Rivers and lakes, a leader on lake and cabin issues. Motion carried

July 22 Summer Celebration: As an opportunity to utilize some of the money donated to the Lake Association for the benefit of the community, a Summer Celebration is being planned to get together for a good time and to raise awareness of our organization. Motion was made by Dick Arndt and seconded by Diana McDonough to authorize a preliminary expense budget of $2,500. Motion carried. Initial expenses to be covered are t-shirts for 5K run/walk, two canopies, and race and door prizes. Plans are for a 5K run/walk Skeeter Skoot, music by Glen’s Neighbor (local band Blake Shippe),and an ice cream social. Any local talent that wishes to sign/dance/recite are welcome to participate. We encourage members to patronize the Pequaywan Inn for lunch and refreshments as she has graciously provided space/electricity for this event.

Volunteers needed for the Summer Celebration
• 5K timers, parking, registration, water stations
• Planning and supervising children’s activities (Lisa and Paul Classen)
• Race/Door prize administrator
• Tree giveaway (Forester Beth Peterson)
• Ice Cream Social coordinator and volunteers

Craft/Vendor tables are welcome.

Minnesota Lakes and Waters executive director Jeff Forester willl be the speaker at our next meeting, June 10. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marialice Arndt, Secretary